E-Commerce Website Development

Grow your business and sell your products online.

At Urban Media, our growth-centric approach combines clever e-commerce website development with savvy digital marketing strategies, designed to catapult your online sales and expand your business footprint.

Two decades of expertise transforming businesses online

Urban Media has been at the forefront of the digital marketing landscape since 1997, helping organisations thrive in the competitive online marketplace. Our team is adept at developing robust and scalable e-commerce solutions that are tailored to each client’s unique needs. We harness the power of the latest technologies and design trends to create user-friendly e-commerce websites that not only look great but also perform exceptionally.

Choosing the right platform for your success

We understand that the choice of an e-commerce platform can significantly impact your business’ online performance. This is why we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we take the time to understand your business objectives, target audience, and specific needs before recommending the ideal e-commerce platform. 

Quick & efficient e-commerce solution


Shopify is known for its intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, making it perfect for those new to e-commerce.

Quick Setup

With pre-made templates and straightforward backend management, you can have your online store up and running in no time.

Secure and Reliable

Shopify provides high-level security measures and dependable uptime, giving you and your customers peace of mind.

Integrated Payment Options

Shopify supports a wide range of payment gateways, offering flexibility for your customers and ease of management for your business.

Tailored & scalable e-commerce platform

Highly Customisable

Being an open-source platform, WooCommerce provides the flexibility to tailor your online store to your exact business needs.

Scalable for Growth

WooCommerce can easily be expanded with your business, making it an excellent choice for businesses with long-term growth plans.

Wide Range of Plugins

Enhance your online store’s functionality with a variety of plugins and extensions, from SEO tools to shipping and payment integrations.

Ownership & Control

Unlike hosted platforms, WooCommerce gives you complete control over your website data, providing a greater scope for customization and security.

If you wish to find out more about our e-commerce services and how we can help your business –
Call 01494 538441.

Crafting Your Ideal Ecommerce Website

Embark on a seamless journey with Urban Media as we meticulously craft your bespoke ecommerce website, ensuring every step is aligned with your vision and business goals.

Discovery & Strategy

We begin by understanding your business, your goals, and your audience. Our team conducts thorough research to align our strategy with your unique needs. This phase includes competitor analysis, target audience profiling, and identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) for your ecommerce venture.

Choose the Right Platform

Based on our initial analysis, we recommend the most suitable platform – Shopify or WooCommerce. Our decision hinges on factors like scalability, functionality requirements, budget, and long-term business objectives. We ensure the platform not only meets your current needs but also supports future growth.

Design & User Experience

Our design team then takes over, crafting a visually appealing and intuitive interface. Prioritising user experience (UX), we focus on creating a seamless and engaging shopping experience that embodies your brand’s ethos. This includes responsive design for optimal mobile viewing, ensuring accessibility across all devices.

Development & Customisation

With the design in place, our developers work on building the site, integrating advanced features, custom functionalities, and ensuring seamless backend management. Whether it's bespoke shopping carts, payment integration, or custom plugins, our team ensures every aspect of your site is fine-tuned for peak performance.

Content & SEO Implementation

Content is king, and with one of our SEO packages our content specialists ensure your site is not only informative but also SEO-optimised. We develop compelling product descriptions, engaging multimedia content, and ensure all technical SEO aspects are addressed for higher search engine rankings.

Testing & Quality Assurance

Before launching, we conduct extensive testing across different devices and browsers. This includes load testing, security checks, and user journey simulations to ensure a flawless shopping experience.

Launch & Post-Launch Support

Once everything is polished and ready, we launch your ecommerce website. But our support doesn’t end here. We will look to provide ongoing improvement recommendations, updates, and are always on hand to assist with any queries or enhancements you may need.

Growth & Optimisation

Post-launch, we focus on continuous improvement. We monitor site performance, gather user feedback, and make data-driven decisions to further optimise your website, ensuring it stays ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Success Stories

Discover how Urban Media has revolutionised online businesses with our innovative ecommerce solutions, as showcased in our selected case studies.

A leading supplier in the printing industry, sought to revolutionize their online presence with a comprehensive and efficient digital solution.

Formed in 1988 and has grown to become the leading independent supplier of replacement and genuine parts for most marine leisure engines.

Start Your Ecommerce Journey Today

Ready to elevate your online presence? Fill out our contact form below, and let’s begin the conversation about transforming your ecommerce vision into reality with Urban Media.

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